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New Jersey Salesperson's Licensing Course

75 Hour Sales Class

Description: This course is approved by the Real Estate Commission of the State of New Jersey to fulfill the 75-hour in-classroom prerequisite for the state examination for real estate salespersons.  It has been designed specifically for individuals planning a career in real estate.  Topics include agency law, contracts, title, methods of ownership, appraisals, licensing laws, and discrimination. Course materials include:  textbook, student online study portal, school exclusive real estate terminology and real estate mathematics mobile apps and school final exam.  The school exam will be administered upon the student’s fulfillment of attendance requirements.  NOTE: Attending this school will not obligate you to become employed with a specific brokerage.  We encourage our students to interview 3-4 brokerages prior to making an affiliation decision.




150 Hours Total - 90 Hour Broker Basic, 30 Hour Broker Ethics, 30 Hour Broker Management

The experience requirement for licensure as a broker requires the applicant to demonstrate a commitment to real estate brokerage as their primary vocation, as evidenced by their involvement in the real estate brokerage business on a full-time basis. Applicants must have been continually licensed and employed as a real estate salesperson during the three years immediately preceding their application. To demonstrate full-time employment, the applicant must show that they have worked as a salesperson under the authority of a broker for at least 40 hours per week during the hours of approximately 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. during any five days of each week. If the applicant was employed in any other occupation during the three year period, such other employment must not have exceeded 25 hours per week. If you need to verify your license status, you should do so before enrolling in the broker course.

90 hour Broker Basic: This course covers, in depth, New Jersey real estate law and rules and regulations. Also covered are agency, ethics, contracts, appraisal, federal law, fair housing, title, taxes, deeds, ownership methods, mortgage financing, and many other related subjects.

30 Hour Broker Ethics: This course strives to strengthen the candidate’s knowledge of agency law, dual agency and its inherent conflicts, the difference between law and ethics, and other related material.

30 Hour Broker Management: Among the subjects covered in this course are: How do you open a new company or branch office, importance of trust account, recruiting, maintaining agents, sales meetings, office systems and procedures, understanding attorney review, and much more.


Course Requirement A broker license candidate must first successfully complete courses of study in real estate consisting of a minimum of 150 hours. The 150 hours is divided into three separate courses: a 90 hour general real estate broker course, a 30 hour course on brokers’ ethics and agency law and relationships, and a second 30 hour course on office management and related topics. All three courses of instruction must be completed within a period of two years.

Applicants must have been continually licensed and employed on a full-time basis as a New Jersey real estate salesperson for the three years immediately preceding their application.  

After completion of all three courses, applicants must submit to the Education Qualification Section of the NJ Real Estate Commission, their completed school certificate and a completed Experience Report, verified and signed by their Broker.




Applicant must: 

•    U.S. Citizens with a Social Security number, Legal Aliens and Undocumented Immigrants with a       Taxpayer ID (TIN) (Rev. S2455 9/2020)
•    Be at least 18 years of age or older.
•    Have a high school education or equivalency.
•    Be of good moral character.


Applicant must: 

•    U.S. Citizens with a Social Security number, Legal Aliens and Undocumented Immigrants with a Taxpayer ID (TIN) (Rev. S2455 9/2020)
•    Be at least 18 years of age or older.
•    Have a high school education or equivalency.
•    Be of good moral character.
•    Have been continually licensed and employed on a full-time basis as a NJ real estate salesperson for the 3 years immediately preceding application. NOTE: Broker Experience Waivers may be issued for Wounded Veterans. Please contact the Real Estate Commission directly for details.


Set forth below is a general description of the requirements for licensure as a New Jersey real estate salesperson or broker.

To qualify for a real estate salesperson's license an applicant must be 18 years of age or older, have a high school education or equivalency, complete a 75-hour prelicensure course at a licensed school and pass the license examination. After successfully completing the course and passing the examination the applicant must apply for a license through a sponsoring real estate broker. In addition, the Commission must be satisfied as to the applicant's honesty, trustworthiness, character and integrity.

To qualify for a broker's license an applicant must have a high school education or equivalency and must successfully complete 150 hours of prelicensure education. Applicants must first complete a 90-hour general real estate course, and then two 30-hour courses on Agency/Ethics and Office Management and related topics. In addition, applicants must have been continually licensed and employed on a full-time basis as a New Jersey real estate salesperson for the three years immediately preceding application. After completion of all three courses applicants must submit to the Education Qualification Section of the Commission their completed school certificate and a completed Experience Report For Broker Applicant form. Following review and approval, the applicant will be mailed a Certificate of Examination Eligibility, which may be used to make a reservation to take the Broker license examination. An applicant must pass the broker license examination and apply for and request the issuance of a license as a broker or broker-salesperson not later than one year after their successful completion of the broker prelicensure education requirements. If an applicant has ever been convicted of a crime, or is currently on parole or probation their application for a real estate license may be denied. See N.J.S.A. 45:15-9, 45:15­12.1 and 2A:168A-1 et seq.

If you are a disabled United States Veteran and a citizen of New Jersey, it may be possible to secure waivers of the education and experience requirements for licensure. Please contact the Commission's Education Waiver Section at 609-292-7272 for details.

New Jersey does not have reciprocity with any state.

If you have any questions regarding the above please do not hesitate to contact the Commission at 609-292-7272 ext. 50546. 



RE: Qualifications for Licensure

Before you make the commitment to enroll in a real estate pre-licensure course, you should be aware of the following information.

The law in New Jersey requires all applicants for licensure as a real estate salesperson or broker to possess good character, trustworthiness, honesty and integrity. N.J.S.A. 45:15-9. To enforce this requirement, all applicants for licensure must submit to a criminal history record check. In addition, presuming you successfully complete the course, at the time you take the state license examination you will be asked to provide responses to certain "screening questions". The questions relate to the statutory qualifications to receive a real estate license. Among these are the candidate being over the age of I 8 and having a high school diploma or its equivalent on the date of the examination. The statutory qualifications also include the absence of any convictions for forgery, burglary, robbery, any theft offense other than shoplifting, criminal conspiracy to defraud, or other like offenses within the five years preceding the application for licensure. See N.J.S.A. 45: 15-12.1.

As was noted above, the law also provides that an applicant for a real estate license must have good character, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity. Therefore, convictions for shoplifting, fraud or other convictions for the offenses specified in N.J.S.A. 45: 15-12.1 which have occurred more than five years ago. Also, the loss of a real estate or other professional license for cause, may constitute grounds for the denial of a license application under N.J.S.A. 45: 15-9. Consequently, the Commission considers the date and nature of all convictions and other indicia of the applicant's character, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity when evaluating an applicant's qualifications for licensure.

The purpose of this Notice is to urge you to consider whether any such incidents in your background may serve to disqualify you from licensure as a real estate salesperson or broker. If you have any questions or doubts about whether you will qualify for licensure, you can call the Commission for guidance at 609-292-7272 (Investigations).

Should you pass the exam you will be required to sign a form on which your answers to the screening questions referred to above will appear. By signing that form you will certify to the Commission that those answers are truthful and accurate. THAT FORM IS PART OF YOUR APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE. Providing false information in response to a screening question is grounds for the denial of your application and for the suspension or revocation of any license issued to you, and the imposition of substantial fines. See N.J.S.A. 45: 15-l 7(n). Therefore, it is always better to disclose any convictions, misdemeanor, or disorderly persons offensives, than to answer a question in a way that may raise concerns about whether your answers were dishonest. In all cases where a passing candidate's response to a screening question does raise a concern about his or her qualifications for licensure, the candidate is given the opportunity to submit a full written explanation of the response.


1.            With the exception of motor vehicle violations, have you ever been convicted of a crime, misdemeanor, or disorderly persons offense in the state of New Jersey, any other state or by the federal government, or are you presently on probation or parole?

2.            Is there a criminal complaint, disorderly persons charge, a criminal accusation or criminal information presently pending against you or are you presently under indictment in New Jersey, any other state or by the federal government, or are you presently enrolled in New Jersey's Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) program or any similar State or Federal program involving the deferral of the disposition or sentencing in a criminal matter?

3.            Have you ever had a real estate or other professional license, certification or similar credential revoked, suspended, surrendered in lieu of formal prosecution, or denied in New Jersey or any other state?

4.            Do you have a child support obligation on which there is an arrearage due that equals or exceeds the amount of child support payable for six months, or are you the subject of a child support related warrant, or during the past six (6) months have you failed to provide any court­ordered health care coverage, or have you failed to respond to a subpoena relating to a paternity or child support proceeding?

5.            Are you UNDER the age of 18 at the time of taking this examination?

6.            Do you now hold, or have you ever held, ANY license issued by the New Jersey Real Estate Commission?

7.            Are you a high school graduate or the holder of a G.E.D.?

8.            Do you currently hold a real estate license issued by another state?


I am aware that I must complete the following steps before my Eligibility Expiration Date or within 1 YEAR OF COURSE COMPLETION DATE:

  • Pass the state examination

  • Submit to the fingerprint process

  • Meet with my employing broker

  • Make application to the Real Estate Commission

I have been informed that I may have difficulty in scheduling the fingerprint process, especially during peak times of the year, and have been advised that no consideration will be offered because of my inability to complete the fingerprint process within the required timeframe.

If I do not make application for licensure by my Eligibility Expiration Date I will be required to retake the entire course and follow the initial procedure for licensure. I am aware that there will be no exceptions.

It has been emphasized that I must "REMEMBER THAT A YEAR IS A YEAR, IS A YEAR!"

I have been duly informed of the importance of this situation and hereby so certify.



Upon passing your New Jersey pre-licensure education course, the next step in acquiring a license is to make a reservation to take the State examination for the license you are seeking (salesperson or broker). Instructions on how to make a reservation are contained in the Candidate Guide handbook provided to you by your course instructor. The Candidate Guide can also be accessed by using the link to the website of Assessment Systems, Inc., located in the Real Estate Schools and License Exam Information Section of this web site.

At the time you take the examination you will be asked to provide responses to certain "screening questions." The questions relate to the qualifications to receive a real estate license prescribed by New Jersey’s real estate licensing law, N.J.S.A. 45:15-1 et seq. Among these qualifications are the candidate being over the age of 18 and having a high school diploma or its equivalent on the date of the examination. They also include the candidate’s general good character, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity including, but not limited to, not having been convicted of forgery, robbery, any theft offense other than shoplifting, criminal conspiracy to defraud, or other like offenses within the five years preceding the application for licensure. See N.J.S.A. 45:15-12.1. HOWEVER, convictions for shoplifting or other offenses, or convictions for the offenses mentioned above which occurred more than five years ago, or the loss of a real estate or other professional license for cause may constitute grounds for the denial of an application under N.J.S.A. 45:15-9. Consequently, the Commission considers the date and nature of all convictions and other indicia of the applicant’s character, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity when evaluating an applicant’s qualifications for licensure.

The purpose of this Notice is to urge you to carefully read the screening questions and thoroughly consider your responses before you answer the questions.

Should you pass the exam you will be required to sign a form on which your answers to the screening questions will appear. By signing that form you will certify to the Commission that those answers are truthful and accurate. THAT FORM IS PART OF YOUR APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE. Providing false information in response to a screening question is grounds for the denial of your application and for the suspension or revocation of any license issued to you, and the imposition of substantial fines. See N.J.S.A. 45:15-17(n).

If you have any questions or doubts about how you should answer one or more of the screening questions, you can call the Commission for guidance at 609-292-7272 ext. 50546 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Such calls should be made before you take the exam. In general, it is always better to err on the side of disclosure than to answer a question in a way that may raise concerns his or her whether your answers were honest and truthful. In all cases where a passing candidate’s response to a screening question does raise a concern about his or her qualifications for licensure, the candidate is given the opportunity to submit a full written explanation of the response.

It cannot be emphasized too strongly that it is in your own best interest to truthfully respond to the license application screening questions. The Commission staff is available to assist you in resolving any uncertainty you may have on how to do so.


Initial License Cost

Corporations, Partnerships and Other Entities = $270

Broker of Record = $270

Sole Proprietor Broker = $270

Broker-Salesperson = $270

Salesperson = $160

Referral Agent = $160

Branch Office = $150



Renewal Fees

Corporations, Partnerships and Other Entities =$200

Broker of Record = $200

Sole Proprietor Broker = $200

Broker-Salesperson = $200

Salesperson = $100

SLWRERC (Salesperson Licensed With Real Estate Referral Company) formerly known as the Referral Agent (RA)= $100

Branch Office = $100


New Fees Effective October 1, 2016


ALL Candidates for New Jersey Real Estate Licenses are required to complete the fingerprinting process as a condition of securing a real estate license.

This includes all new candidates for individual Real Estate Salesperson, Real Estate Broker-Salesperson, Real Estate Broker and Referral Agent licenses as well as any individual who will serve as an officer, director, member, partner or owner of a controlling interest of a corporation, limited liability company or partnership applying for a license to conduct business as a Real Estate brokerage company.

Individual candidates have one year from the completion date of their pre-licensure education to take and pass the State examination administered by PSI Services LLC AND to file a fully completed application for licensure with the Licensing Services Bureau, Real Estate.  In order to avoid problems with the expiration of their one year of eligibility for licensure and to make a timely filing, candidates MUST complete the fingerprinting process as soon as possible after PASSING the State examination.

Applications for licensure WILL NOT be accepted without a fully completed application, the appropriate license fee and evidence of the completion of the fingerprinting process. 

Evidence of completion of the fingerprinting process MUST include:

(1) a copy of the applicant’s completed Universal Form (IDG_NJAPP_020115_V2); and

(2) a copy of the payment receipt issued by MorphoTrust, the fingerprint LiveScan vendor, at the time of completion of the LiveScan printing.

 Additional information available at the Commission website:

© 2024 by Connection School of Real Estate    

 Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 | 856.812.4245

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