Rowan College
100 Technology Way
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
P: 856.812.4245
E: Director@ConnectionRealEstateSchool.com
Teaching Locations:
3219 Route 38 Rowan College
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
Class Options: In-Person or Live Remote via Zoom
All Salesperson Courses offer two attendance options:
Live in Class at our Mount Laurel Classroom.
Remote classroom access via Zoom
All Other Offered Courses (Broker, Waiver and CE) are remote classroom access via Zoom ONLY.
1. Hybrid Classes (available to Salesperson students only): Seating is socially distanced and limited at our Route 38 Mount Laurel Classroom. In classroom seating is on a first come first reserved basis. Register Early! All in-person students must be fully vaccinated and wear masks while in our building.
2. Remote Live Classes via Zoom accessed from your home computer or device. Classroom access will be provided to remote students prior to class start date.
Tips for Checking Your Equipment for Online Access Via Zoom:
To access our virtual classroom remotely from home, through Zoom, students will need:
Reliable Wi-Fi or a Hard-wired Internet Connection:
It is imperative that students have a reliable device and internet connection in order to participate in class.
Test your device’s speed at www.speedtest.net (or the speed test mechanism of your choice).
Zoom requires:
800kbps/1.0Mbps (up/down) for high quality video
For gallery view and/or 720p HD video: 1.5Mbps/1.5Mbps (up/down)
Receiving 1080p HD video requires 2.5mbps (up/down)
Sending 1080p HD video requires 3.0 Mbps (up/down)
A Laptop, Desktop or Tablet is recommended. Smart Phones are compatible, but not recommended.
Webcam – For attendance purposes, students are required to keep their webcam on for the duration of each class.
Microphone – Please use a headphone or earbuds with mic to minimize background noise. Students must remain muted until called on to speak.
Polls will be conducted at various times during each class to confirm attendance and ensure active participation.
Attendance is tracked automatically by our software.
All classes are recorded and circulated to students after each class for review. Consent to record will be required prior to the start of each class.
As seating is limited and classes routinely sell-out, all tuitions must be paid in full at the time of registration. Registrations are confirmed on a first paid, first confirmed basis until the class is sold out. We do not reserve seating without payment in full. Tuitions are subject to change without notice.
While rare, insufficient enrollment may require certain classes to be canceled or merged with another course. Students will be offered a transfer to a future class or a full tuition refund.
Refund requests for tuitions paid directly to Rowan College - Please contact the college directly at (856) 222-9311 ext. 2829.
Refund requests for tuitions paid directly to Connection School of Real Estate – Please understand that our seating is limited, and course demand is high. Your tuition reserves your seat, which we cannot re-sell once the course has started. All requests must be in writing and sent to director@connectionrealestateschool.com :
7 Days in advance of Class Start or Upon Shipment of Textbook: Tuition refund minus $50.00 or Transfer to Future Class.
On or After Course Start Date - Transfers ONLY, No Refunds.
Class transfer request for tuitions paid directly to Rowan College – Please contact the college directly at (856) 222-9311ext. 2829.
Class transfer request for tuitions paid directly to Connection School of Real Estate - You may transfer to the standby list for another course with a start date within 1-year of your original course’s start date, free of charge. All transfers are subject to class and seat availability. Requests must be submitted in writing via email to Director@ConnectionRealEstateSchool.com.
Tuitions are NOT transferable to another person.
Audio and video recordings are expressly prohibited. However, our Instructors record all classes and circulate recordings to students after each class.
No disruptive behavior of any kind will be tolerated and may be cause for dismissal. At the discretion of the Instructor, any student displaying such behavior will be expelled from the class without refund. Electronic devices in class are encouraged but must be silenced during class. All students must be respectful of the Instructor and other students. We also asked that students refrain from the use of perfumes and colognes that might trigger allergies for other students.
Upon completion of the required course hours, students are required to pass the school final exam for eligibility to sit for the state exam. The school exam may be taken a maximum of 4 times and requires a passing score of 70%.
Upon successful completion of the school’s final exam, students will receive approval from via email to sit for the state exam administered by PSI (NJREC’s testing facility) .NOTE: The state exam must be taken and passed, a fingerprinting and background check completed and your license activated with a sponsoring broker within 1 year of your course completion date. For more information on the state exam and qualifications for licensure, please visit www.connectionrealestateschool.com/forms and download the PSI Candidate Bulletin. For PSI test center locations and additional state exam questions, please visit www.candidate.psiexams.com .
We do not accept personal Checks.
Per the New Jersey Real Estate Commission’s Administrative Code NJAC 11:5-2.2(s), the attendance policy is as follows:
To satisfactorily complete any prelicensure course, a student must achieve a passing grade and attend at least 80% of the session hours required for the course by NJAC.11:5-2.1. Any student who misses more than 20% of the required hours will be required to make up the hours missed along with missed material, before taking the final exam and receiving a completion certification from the school.
*Please note: Full attendance best assures your ability to prepare for and pass the state exam. Making up hours in other offered courses, is permitted subject to seat availability at no additional charge.
Students in currently running courses will be notified via email or text message of any school closing or delayed openings due to inclement weather. Please confirm your email addresses on the first day of class for emergency closing purposes.
Connection School has developed a proprietary online home-study platform, intended to reinforce student learning at home. These materials are copyrighted and may not be shared, printed or copied without express written permission of Connection School of Real Estate.
**The above Policy & Procedures are subject to change without notice.
The New Jersey Real Estate Commission Requires Licensed Schools to Provide the Information Below to ALL Potential Students, Before Registration.
At the beginning of the first class session of all salesperson or referral agent prelicensure courses, all licensed schools shall distribute to all students in writing the following:
1. It is the policy of the New Jersey Real Estate Commission that there be a complete and total separation between the instruction you receive in your prelicensure education course and any efforts by brokers to recruit you to join their firm and/or to secure listings or offers on listed properties from you. This policy is reflected in Commission rule N.J.A.C. 11:5-2.2(x), which is reproduced in its entirety below.
If you are subjected to any recruitment efforts or are solicited for listings or offers during class time you should immediately notify your instructor, the Director of your school, and the New Jersey Real Estate Commission by writing to:
New Jersey Real Estate Commission
20 West State Street
PO Box 328
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0328
Attn: Director, Real Estate Education
You are free to negotiate the terms of your employment with any broker. It is in your own best interest to talk to several prospective employing brokers before deciding which offers the best compensation plan, including post-termination payment provisions, and support package for you. You should also consider a prospective employer's professionalism and reputation for honesty and integrity when deciding which broker to work for.
In the event an enrolled student does not attend the first session of a salespersons/referral agents course, a copy of the foregoing notice shall be delivered to that student at the commencement of the first class session which that student does attend.
2. For the purposes of this subsection, the following definitions shall apply:
i. The phrase "brokerage activity" means any activity which, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:15-1 and 45:15-3 would require the person engaging in such activity to hold a license as a real estate broker, real estate salesperson or referral agent;
ii. The term "solicit" means to recruit, invite or urge a student to seek employment with a particular broker, or to list, purchase or lease through, or to make referrals of listing, purchaser or lessee prospects to a particular broker; and
iii. The phrase "successful completion" means the receipt by the student of a Real Estate Commission school certificate form, duly signed by the instructor and the school director and stamped by the licensed school, certifying to the student's having completed and passed a prelicensure course conducted by that school.
3. With the exception of posting, distributing or displaying written materials as provided in (x)5 below, no school director, instructor, guest lecturer or staff member shall, prior to, nor within seven days following, a student's successful completion of a course, solicit a student to become a salesperson or referral agent for any particular real estate broker, nor shall any such person at any time accept any fee or other compensation for soliciting or recruiting students attending their school to apply for employment with a particular real estate broker.
4. No in-person or electronic solicitation of students to apply for employment as salespersons or referral agents with a particular real estate broker shall be permitted at a licensed school location during the prescribed class hours, nor in the breaks between such class hours. Such soliciting may be scheduled and held at licensed schools before, after or separate from the prescribed class hours, for example as a "career night" for students, provided that students are notified in writing in advance that their attendance at such recruitment functions is completely voluntary. However, no school director, instructor, guest lecturer or staff member shall engage in such activity at any time prior to, nor within seven days following, a student's successful completion of a course. Licensed instructors who are also licensed brokers, salespersons or referral agents may conduct prelicensure courses, and licensees who are not licensed instructors may appear as guest lecturers in such courses, so long as their presentations do not include the solicitation of students.
5. Any licensed school which posts, distributes or displays written material which solicits students to inquire about employment as a salesperson or referral agent with a particular broker must similarly post, distribute or display comparable written material from any real estate broker who requests the school to do so. However, no written material soliciting students to apply for employment with a particular real estate broker or any referral program shall be distributed during the prescribed class hours.
6. No licensed school may offer a reduced tuition rate to students where eligibility for the lower tuition is contingent upon a student making a commitment to becoming licensed through a particular broker subsequent to their qualifying for licensure and no licensed school may otherwise make or imply any promise or guarantee of employment to any student.
7. No oral statements or written text referring to a licensed school may be included or contained in any advertisement by a real estate licensee, and no advertisement of a licensed school may refer to the brokerage operation or include the telephone number of any licensee except that a school which is owned by a real estate licensee or franchisor may use that name in its school name.
i. Any advertisement by a school whose name includes the name of an affiliated licensed real estate broker or franchisor shall include the following disclosure legend:
Attending this school will not obligate you to become employed with our affiliated real estate broker(s), nor guarantee you an interview or a job with our affiliated real estate broker(s).
ii. No advertisement referring to a licensed school may be placed in the Help Wanted classified section of any newspaper or periodical.
8. No licensed school shall conduct prelicensure course sessions in any area which is part of a location which is licensed as a main or branch office of a real estate broker. For the purposes of this paragraph, an area will be considered as part of a licensed office location if any brokerage activity is conducted in that area at any time.
i. Where space on two or more floors in a multi-story building is licensed as a main or branch office location, it is permissible for prelicensure courses to be conducted in such a building, provided that the primary means of access to and egress from the floor where the courses are conducted does not require the students to walk through any area of the licensed office location wherein brokerage activity occurs.
ii. Where only one floor in a building is licensed as a main or branch office, it is permissible for prelicensure courses to be conducted in another area on that floor, provided that there is a separate entrance to that area either from the exterior of the building or from a common foyer or lobby and provided that the primary means of access to and egress from the area wherein the courses will be conducted does not require students to walk through a portion of the licensed premises wherein brokerage activity takes place.
iii. In all situations where prelicensure courses are conducted in the same building in which brokerage activity occurs under the authority of a broker in any way affiliated with the licensed school conducting such courses, the broker shall post signs either on the exterior of the building or in any common foyer or lobby, directing students either to the separate exterior entrance to the school location or to the primary route of access to the school location from such foyer or lobby.
9. No licensed school shall allow any person to solicit students enrolled in, or considering enrolling in, a prelicensure or continuing education course to list, purchase or lease any property; or for referrals of prospective sellers, purchasers or lessees at any time while such students are on school premises.
RE: Qualifications for Licensure
Before you make the commitment to enroll in a real estate pre-licensure course, you should be aware of the following information.
The law in New Jersey requires all applicants for licensure as a real estate salesperson or broker to possess good character, trustworthiness, honesty and integrity. N.J.S.A. 45:15-9. To enforce this requirement, all applicants for licensure must submit to a criminal history record check. In addition, presuming you successfully complete the course, at the time you take the state license examination you will be asked to provide responses to certain "screening questions". The questions relate to the statutory qualifications to receive a real estate license. Among these are the candidate being over the age of I 8 and having a high school diploma or its equivalent on the date of the examination. The statutory qualifications also include the absence of any convictions for forgery, burglary, robbery, any theft offense other than shoplifting, criminal conspiracy to defraud, or other like offenses within the five years preceding the application for licensure. See N.J.S.A. 45: 15-12.1.
As was noted above, the law also provides that an applicant for a real estate license must have good character, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity. Therefore, convictions for shoplifting, fraud or other convictions for the offenses specified in N.J.S.A. 45: 15-12.1 which have occurred more than five years ago. Also, the loss of a real estate or other professional license for cause, may constitute grounds for the denial of a license application under N.J.S.A. 45: 15-9. Consequently, the Commission considers the date and nature of all convictions and other indicia of the applicant's character, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity when evaluating an applicant's qualifications for licensure.
The purpose of this Notice is to urge you to consider whether any such incidents in your background may serve to disqualify you from licensure as a real estate salesperson or broker. If you have any questions or doubts about whether you will qualify for licensure, you can call the Commission for guidance at 609-292-7272 (Investigations).
Should you pass the exam you will be required to sign a form on which your answers to the screening questions referred to above will appear. By signing that form you will certify to the Commission that those answers are truthful and accurate. THAT FORM IS PART OF YOUR APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE. Providing false information in response to a screening question is grounds for the denial of your application and for the suspension or revocation of any license issued to you, and the imposition of substantial fines. See N.J.S.A. 45: 15-l 7(n). Therefore, it is always better to disclose any convictions, misdemeanor, or disorderly persons offensives, than to answer a question in a way that may raise concerns about whether your answers were dishonest. In all cases where a passing candidate's response to a screening question does raise a concern about his or her qualifications for licensure, the candidate is given the opportunity to submit a full written explanation of the response.
The next step in acquiring a license is to make a reservation to take the State examination for the license you are seeking (salesperson or broker). Instructions on how to make a reservation are contained in the Candidate Guide handbook provided to you by your course instructor or you can visit psiexams.com.
At the time you take the examination you will be asked to provide responses to certain "screening questions". The questions relate to the qualifications to receive a real estate license prescribed by New Jersey's real estate licensing law, N.J.S.A. 45:15-1 et seq. Among these qualifications are the candidate being over the age of 18 and having a high school diploma or its equivalent on the date of the examination. They also include the candidate's general good character, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity including, but not limited to. not having been convicted of forgery, robbery, any theft offense other than shoplifting, criminal conspiracy to defraud, or other like offenses within the five years preceding the application for licensure. See N.J.S.A. 45: 15-12. l. HOWEVER, convictions for shoplifting or other offenses, or convictions for the offenses mentioned above which occurred more than five years ago, or the loss of a real estate or other professional license for cause may constitute grounds for the denial of an application under N.J.S.A. 45: 15-9.
Consequently, the Commission considers the date and nature of all convictions and other indicia of the applicant's character, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity when evaluating an applicant's qualifications for licensure.
Should you pass the exam, you will be required to sign a form on which your answers to the screening questions will appear. By signing that form you will certify to the Commission that those answers are truthful and accurate. THAT FORM IS PART OF YOUR APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE. Providing false information in response to a screening question is grounds for the denial of your application and for the suspension or revocation of any license issued to you, and the imposition of substantial fines. See N.J.S.A. 45:15-17(n).
Screening questions should have been given to you by the instructor. If you have any questions about how you should answer one or more of them, you can contact the Commission for at 609- 292-7272 (Investigations). Such calls should be made before you take the exam. In general, all questions should be answered truthfully. In cases where a passing candidate's response to a screening question may cause concern of their qualifications for licensure, the candidate is given the opportunity to submit a fully written explanation of the response.
Once you pass the exam, you will need to get fingerprinted by IdentoGO, before applying for licensure. You can schedule your fingerprints online at https://ueroll.identogo.com . And they will ask for a service code 2Fl FTK. Or visit our website for fingerprint information www.dobi.nj.gov.
Once you have completed the fingerprints, you may have a Broker process your application on-line for licensure. You do not need to mail in the application unless the Broker is having an issue processing the application online. Any questions please contact licensing unit 609-292-7272.
1. With the exception of motor vehicle violations, have you ever been convicted of a crime, misdemeanor, or disorderly persons offense in the state of New Jersey, any other state or by the federal government, or are you presently on probation or parole?
2. Is there a criminal complaint, disorderly persons charge, a criminal accusation or criminal information presently pending against you or are you presently under indictment in New Jersey, any other state or by the federal government, or are you presently enrolled in New Jersey's Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) program or any similar State or Federal program involving the deferral of the disposition or sentencing in a criminal matter?
3. Have you ever had a real estate or other professional license, certification or similar credential revoked, suspended, surrendered in lieu of formal prosecution, or denied in New Jersey or any other state?
4. Do you have a child support obligation on which there is an arrearage due that equals or exceeds the amount of child support payable for six months, or are you the subject of a child support related warrant, or during the past six (6) months have you failed to provide any court ordered health care coverage, or have you failed to respond to a subpoena relating to a paternity or child support proceeding?
5. Are you UNDER the age of 18 at the time of taking this examination?
6. Do you now hold, or have you ever held, ANY license issued by the New Jersey Real Estate Commission?
7. Are you a high school graduate or the holder of a G.E.D.?
8. Do you currently hold a real estate license issued by another state?
Connection School of Real Estate
Gail Hansche, Owner/Director
By signing this document, I am certifying that I have been informed by the School/Instructor indicated above of the importance of immediately completing the steps required for licensure. I have been encouraged to test early and schedule the fingerprint process.
I am aware that I must complete the following steps before my Eligibility Expiration Date or within 1 YEAR OF COURSE COMPLETION DATE:
· Pass the state examination
· Submit to the fingerprint process
· Meet with my employing broker
· Make application to the Real Estate Commission
I have been informed that I may have difficulty in scheduling the fingerprint process, especially during peak times of the year, and have been advised that no consideration will be offered because of my inability to complete the fingerprint process within the required timeframe.
If I do not make application for licensure by my Eligibility Expiration Date I will be required to retake the entire course and follow the initial procedure for licensure. I am aware that there will be no exceptions.
It has been emphasized that I must "REMEMBER THAT A YEAR IS A YEAR, IS A YEAR!"
I have been duly informed of the importance of this situation and hereby so certify.